Report on the Administration of the Salt and Continental Customs Department of the Bombay Presidency for the official Years 1885-86

Resource Type : Government Publication
Author : Bombay Presidency
Year/Date of Publication : 1886
Subject : Public Administration & Military Science
Publisher : The Government Central Press
Place of Publication : Bombay
Language : English
Pages/Folios : 51, xlvii, 4, 55, xlvii, 48, xlix, 2, 42, xlvii, 3, 42, xlv, 41, xlv, 34, xlvii, 3, 39, li, 3, 3, 40, xlvii, 3, 3, 40, xlv, 3, 3p
Identifier : GP_00133368B
Digitization Sponsor : Government of Maharashtra