Note: The Original Era for the manuscripts has been converted to the English Calendar equivalent for retrieval purpose. The Original Era of the manuscript can be viewed in the Item View of each manuscript.*

सठठॠरहणॠरतॠन of शॠरॠठनॠदॠर.

Resource Type : Manuscript
Subject : Jain Literature
Notes/Description : "Sarigrahaniratna, or a summary of the Geography of the world, composed by S'ricandrasuri, pupil of Hemacandrasuri (see above No. 1388 ), pupil of Abhayadevasuri of the Harsapuriya Gaccha. Sâ ricandra composed in Sam. 1232, a Tippana on his Guruâ s Pradesâ avyakhya of Haribhadraâ s Sâ isyahita on Bhadrabahuâ s Avasâ yakaniryukti. See Peterson, Reports, III. p. 14. He also wrote his Munisuvratacarita in Sam. 1193 [acc to Jainagranthavali (Bombay, 1909,) p. 242; this is probably based on the Patan MSS. But the quotation from the work given at Peterson, Reports, V. p. 7, gives the date Sam. 1120, which is however, impossible]. The original text on which Devabhadra has commented, consists of 274 Gathas divided into seven Dvaras or chapters. They are:-(1)सॠरॠसॠठिठ16 Gathas; (2) सॠरॠसॠभवण 78; (3)सॠरॠसॠठठठाहणा 6; (4) निरयदार 96; (5) मणॠयदार 18; (6) तिरियदार 27; (7) सामानॠयदॠवार 29; and पॠरशसॠति 4 [=total 274]. Afterwards, however, several Gathas from various sources, usually from Jinabhadraâ s Sarigrahani on which our text is based, have been interpolated. Thus the total number of Gathas in our MSS. is respectively as followsâ 335; 278; 314; 324; 319; 329: 276; 276 and 335. The largest number of additional Gathas is found in the 2nd chapter. It is 41 in the first MS. Sangrahaniratna is published with Devabhadraâ s commentary (see next number) in the D. L. P. Series, No, 27, Bombay, 1915, and also in Jaina Dharmaprasaraka Sabha Series, No. 42, Bhavnagar."
Pages/Folios : 24 folios, 9 lines, 10 X 4.5 inches
Identifier : MS_00001673
Digitization Sponsor : Government of Maharashtra