Historical and other Information, connected with the Province of Oman, Muskat, Bahrein, and other places in the Persian Gulf; Reports on the Island of Kenn, on Bassadore, the Harbour of Grane, and the Island of Pheleechi; the Rise and Progress of and Past Policy of the British Government towards, the Arab Tribes of the Persian Gulf; their Resources, Localities, &c.; Chronological Table of Events, from 1716 to 1843, connected with the Government of Muskat and the Arab Tribes of the Persian Gulf; Rise and Progress of the Government of Muskat and Miscellaneous Information connected with that Government, from 1694 to 1853; Treaties, Engagements, &c. with the Imaum of Muskat, &c.; Notes of a Visit to Zanzibar in the year 1834; Information connected with the Possessions, Revenues, Families, &c. of the Imaum of Muskat, the Ruler of Bahrein and the Chiefs of the Maritime Arab States in the Persian Gulf; Historical Sketches of the Joasemee, Uttoobee, Wahabee, Beniyas, Boo Felasa, Ejman, and Amulgavine Tribes of Arabs, from the year 1716 to the year 1853; Memoir descriptive of the Navigation of the Gulf of Persia, accompanied by brief notices of the Manners, Customs, Religion, Commerce and Resources of the People Inhabiting its Shores; Measures adopted by the British Government for the Suppression of the Slave Trade in the Persian Gulf- Selections from the Records of the Bombay Government, No. XXIV- New Series

Resource Type : Book
Author : Thomas, R. Hughes (Compl. & Ed.)
Year/Date of Publication : 1856
Subject : History of Asia
Publisher : The Bombay Education Society's Press
Place of Publication : Bombay
Language : English
Pages/Folios : xxvii, 687p.
Identifier : BK_00102906
Digitization Sponsor : Government of Maharashtra