An Authentic Account of an Embassy from the King of Great Britain to the Emperor of China; including cursory observations made and information obtained in Travelling through that Ancient Empire and a small part of Chinese Tartary, together with a relation of the Voyage undertaken on the occasion by His Majesty's Ship the Lion and the Ship Hindostan, in the East India Company's Service to the Yellow Sea and Gulf of Pekin as well as of their Return to Europe; with notices of the several places where they stopped in their way out and home, being the Islands of Madeira, Teneriffe and St. Jago; the Port of Rio de Janeiro in South America; the Islands of St. Helena, Tristan d'Acunha and Amsterdam; the Coasts of Java and Sumatra, the Nanka Isles, Polo- Condore and Cochin-China; taken chiefly from the papers of His Excellency the Earl of Macartney, Sir Erasmus Gower and of other Gentlemen in the several departments of the Embassy, 2nd ed. corrected, in Three Volumes, Vol. I

Resource Type : Book
Author : Earl of Macartney
Gower, Erasmus Sir
Staunton, George Sir
Year/Date of Publication : 1798
Subject : Geography & Travel
Publisher : G. Nicol
Place of Publication : London
Language : Old English
Pages/Folios : xvi, 429p.
Identifier : BK_00088217
Digitization Sponsor : Government of Maharashtra