A New Account of the East Indies, giving an exact and copius description of the Situation, Product, Manufactures, Laws, Customs, Religion, Trade, &c. of all the Countries and Islands which lie between the Cape of Good Hope and the Island of Japon, interspersed with an entertaining relation not only of the principal Events. which happened during the Author's Thirty Years Residence in those Parts, but also of the most remarkable Occurences and Revolution in those vast Dominions for this Century past; comprehending also many curious and interesting Particulars relating to our Commerce with those Countries and the Affairs of the East India Company, in Two Volumes, Vol. II

Resource Type : Book
Author : Hamilton, Alexander
Year/Date of Publication : 1744
Subject : Law
Publisher : C. Hitch
Place of Publication : London
Language : Old English
Pages/Folios : vii, 320p.
Identifier : BK_00042569
Digitization Sponsor : Government of Maharashtra