A Voyage to the East Indies; containing Authentic Accounts of the Mogul Government in General, the Viceroyalties of the Decan and Bengal, with their several subordinate Dependances, of Angria, the Morattoes and Tanjoreans of the Mahometan, Gentoo and Parsee Religions of their Customs and Antiquities, with general Reflections on the Trade of India of the European Settlements, particulary those belonging to the English; the respective Factories, Government, Trade, Fortifications and Public Buildings; the History of the War with the French from 1754 to the Conclusion of the general Peace in 1763, New ed. to which is added a Journey from Aleppo to Busserah, over the Desert, in Two Volumes, Vol. I

Resource Type : Book
Author : Grose, John Henry
Charmichael, John
Year/Date of Publication : 1772
Subject : Geography & Travel
Publisher : S. Hooper
Place of Publication : London
Language : Old English
Pages/Folios : xiv, 343, 2, 54p.
Identifier : BK_00045860
Digitization Sponsor : Government of Maharashtra