• The Company and the Crown
    • Year: 1866
    • Author: Hovell-Thurlow, T. J.
    • Subject: History of Asia
    • Publisher: William Blackwood and Sons
    • Language: English
    • Place of Publication: London
    • Incidents in the Sepoy War 1857-58
    • Year: 1873
    • Author: Grant, Hope (Com.); Knollys, Henry (Com. )
    • Subject: History of Asia
    • Publisher: William Blackwood and Sons
    • Language: English
    • Place of Publication: Edinburgh
    • Old Memories
    • Year: 1897
    • Author: Gough, Hugh
    • Subject: History of Asia
    • Publisher: William Blackwood and Sons
    • Language: English
    • Place of Publication: London